Thursday, January 1, 2015

Get Healthy in 2015

Since Thanksgiving, our semi-healthy eating habits have gone out the door.  Marriage has brought unwelcome weight to both Zack and myself.  Now that we are in Florida for the next three months, our bathing suits are announcing our packed on pounds to the rest of the world.  Not good.  So we've decided to set goals to attain better health with a sub-goal each month!  

 These will be simeple ways to tone up and cut wasted calories from our everyday diet.  

-No soda or sugary drinks for 3 months! No more drinking our calories and sugars. Check your labels to see how much sugar is in your flavored drinks.
-No eating after 9pm.  This helps regulate mealtimes and most often when we give in to that late night snack it’s for things such as ice cream, cookies, potato chips, etc.
-Drink a glass of water before each meal, and your needed amount each day. The amount of water a person should drink each day depends on their weight.  To calculate how much to drink multiply your weight by .67 and that is the number of ounces you need to drink a day. "weight x .67 =  (ounces to drink)"  Divide that by 8 to get the number of cups you should drink. For example 200 x .67 = 134 ounces.  134/8 = 16.75.  A 200 pound person needs 134 oz of water a day, which equals about 17 cups.

-Eat full breakfast every day.  Breakfast is what gets your metabolism going and starting off the day healthy will set you up for a great day!

-Each day, do 20 push-ups, 50 sit-ups, and atleast 25 minutes of exercise 3 days a week. (increase as you get stronger.)  

Then apply these each month.  Some months just take away unhealthy foods while other months add more healthy foods to your diet!

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