Thursday, January 1, 2015

10 Resolutions for Your Marriage

It’s only been 5 months of marriage for Zack and I and people say we are still in the "honeymoon phase" but I don’t think its ever too early to work on loving each other better! I mean, you can never love and appreciate each other too much.  With that being said, I am setting a list of goals (resolutions) for my marriage this year!  These are not in any kind of order, just as they come to mind!

1- Pray Together EVERYDAY!  Often times we can get in such a hurry in our travel or in daily tasks that we take for granted the time we have together.  So starting today, PRAY together!  If you want to take it a step further, start a devotion book together!  My husband and I started “The Love Dare” by Stephen and Alex Kendrick, a couple months ago but never finished.  We are going to get back into reading that this year! If you don’t know what devotion to start with, “The Love Dare” is a great one.

2- Don’t take phones to bed.  This is something my husband and I talked about before we got married.  We said we weren’t going to bring our phones to bed because we knew we would spend more time on our phones instead of spending time with each other.  It’s so easy for us to get so wrapped up in the world of social media today, but spending the beginning and end of everyday dialed into your spouse is a lot more important that the happenings on Instagram. 

3-Pray for each other daily.  Throughout the day when your spouse comes to mind, pray for them silently.  Pray for your marriage, your future, your family.  Remember God’s will is where your marriage needs to be and that can only happen when He is a the center of it. 

4- Find Godly spiritual leaders for your marriage.  For a healthy Christian marriage it is important to have an older Christian couple pour into you.  Learn things from their time of marriage that might save you heartbreak and tears in yours.  Not only should you just talk about marriage with these folks, but live life with them.  Watch how they interact and love each other.  It's good for couples to take wisdom from longer relationships.

5- Make loving each other your priority.  Over everything else, LOVE.  Love each other in the little ways.  Make breakfast, do the laundry, pick up his favorite snack at the store.  Do the little things that he doesn't expect to put a smile on his face.  

6- Keep the complaining to a minimum!  You’re married to the man/women of your dreams!  Enjoy it! Don’t stress the little thing.  Stay positive.  These things will make you a more pleasant person to be around and will help your attitude greatly.

7- Quit comparing! Comparing only hurts your relationships.  Nothing positive comes from comparing to other relationships, appearances, fianancies, health, etc. Live YOUR life to the fullest!

8-  Be more affectionate!  Your married, be excited about it! Enjoy every minute of it! Kiss him when he least expects it! Hold his hand whenever you get the chance.  

9- Get into trouble! Okay, not with the law, but be spontaneous!  Do crazy things that are out of the norm.  Have fun! Celebrate your marriage.  Act like you did when you were dating!

10- Talk with each other! Not just about the "to-do list" that is building or your schedule that is packed, but about life that is happening in the midst of the busyness.  Take time to spend with each other away from the chaos. Take a deep breathe and figure out life's problems together.  Listen to what each other has to say.  Don't try to solve each others problems right away.  Listen.  Don't just talk "at" each other, but with.  Listen to what each other says and understand with them where they are.   So slow down.  Listen. Communicate. Love.

Slow down this year to learn how to really love your spouse the best you can.  

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