Thursday, January 1, 2015

Button Hemp Bracelets

Hemp String (available online or at Hobby Lobby)
A Button of your choice
Measuring Tape

Step 1: Gather all supplies. 

Step 2: Measure and cut two pieces of hemp, each 20 inches long. Then measure and cut one 30 inch piece.

Step 3:  Insert one end of string into hole on the button.

Step 4:  Then pull through and insert the other side into the hole beside it.

Step 5: Bring the two free ends through the loop like so.

Step 6: Pull tight

Step 7:  Tape the botton onto a hard surface so you can begin.

Step 8: Tape the free ends of the string too so they aren’t going crazy while making the bracelet.

Step 9: Lay the 20 inch piece of string across the top, like so.

Step 10: Bring the left side of the string back under the string that is taped down

Step 11: Then bring the string over the right string.

Step 12:  Bring the right string over the middle string and under the top part of the left string... (look at picture)

and pull.

Step 13: Repeat from step 10 until you get desired length for one side.

Step 14: Then repeat from step 3 the same pattern on the other side until desired length is reached.
(See below)

To make the adjustable sliding knot take a short piece of hemp (about 5 inches).  Create the exact same knots you were using creating the bracelet. Once you believe you adjustable end is wide enough knot the ends so they string doesn't go through and ravel.  Also tie knots at the end of the open strings so when adjusting the size it doesn't come undone. 

This can be kinda tricky your first try!  If you have questions about how they are made, let me know!  To buy your very own hemp button bracelet Click Here!

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