Tuesday, January 20, 2015

He Called, We Went- Jamaica 2014

It had always been a dream of mine to go overseas and serve long-term in some form.  Little did I know, it would come at the most “inconvient” time for me.  Since being in the Social work program my classmates and I had been pushing for an International Senior Practicum Placement.  Many places we pursued had fallen through, until finally my professor and along with a group of students took a week mission trip to Robin’s Nest Children’s Home in Montego Bay, Jamaica.  They all fell in love with the place and began working the logistics toward sending students there for their Senior Practicum.  I was really excited about this opportunity, but in the back of my head I truly felt that it was going to fall through.  Our professor wanted at least two of us to do this type of practicum together, so I kept trying to persuade my classmates to go with me. However, everyone who once wanted this opportunity had already been placed into practicums in the US.  After a specific series of events, my friend Serena decided she wanted to pursue the children's home for her practicum!  She felt God leading her to take a risk and travel out of the country for her placement!  From that moment on, we continued praying and talking to the administration about making this happen.  

Throughout the craziness of seeking approval from all of the necessary people our school, there was a battle going on within me.  When things started falling into place, I wasn’t sure if this was what I really wanted to do.  I had just started dating the love of my life that previous May, and now it being September I would have to decide if I wanted to be gone for 3 months.  I thought it would just be easier if I stayed here and did my practicum close to home so that I could get a job there after graduation.  Zack and I had a big trip planned the first week of January and I had a pretty good idea he was going to propose to me, so the thought of planning a wedding overseas, didn’t seem very practical.  With this big of a decision ahead, there arose so many excuses and fears that doing their best to control me.  Our professor told us to spend time in prayer and seriously talk with each other to make sure this was the adventure and commitment we wanted to pursue together.  We knew we both wanted to go but fear was getting the best of us.

Then, late one night, when we had been going back and forth on whether we should go tell them our final “yes” that we really wanted to do it.  (I kept telling Serena, “let’s just wait a couple days”.)  That night I opened one of my Bibles that I rarely used and I saw some writing on one of the pages, so I flipped to that page to see what it said.  As I read it I was instantly speechless.  In a big way God said, “GO”, and I had to listen. God showed up in that moment and spoke clearer than He had ever spoken through this scripture.  As I shared this scripture with Serena, through tears of what was happening, we both sat crying, in awe of God. 

As we began that journey there was a truth that, the lyrics of Hillsong’s song, “Oceans”, resonated deep within us.  We had no idea what was ahead of us or what the next 3 months would look like, but we knew had we to trust in our King.

“Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders
Let me walk upon the waters
Wherever You would call me
Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander
And my faith will be made stronger
In the presence of my Savior.”

He called and we went.   A year ago today, I was sitting on an airplane with one of my dearest friends about to embark on one of the greatest adventures of my life.  We were plunging into 3 months that would forever change our hearts.  

We arrived late that afternoon in Montego Bay, Jamaica where we were taken up a long and bumpy mountain to Robin’s Nest Children’s Home.  A home where 30 children resided with numerous people working together to give these kids the best home possible.

Overwhelmed, nervous, excited, and unsure of what we were getting ourselves into, Serena and I dove face-first into loving the people of Jamaica.  

Every morning, we were awoken at the crack of dawn by laughing and playing toddlers outside our window.  Some days we had running water, some days we didn't.  Some days we spent the whole day at the preschool, some days we played with the babies all day.  Some days we worked on our research project for school, and some days we helped the older kids with their own homework.  Every single day was a unique adventure, you never knew what your days would hold.  It was a life changing experience that has my heart captivated by the people of Jamaica.  As our one year mark come and goes, I think back on where I was at this time last year and I'm continuously reminded of these children's faces.  I can see them giggling, crying, playing, loving life, and all of it is engrained in mind.  

Please join me in supporting Robin's Nest.  They are currently raising money to drill a well for a permanent solution for their water shortage problem. Read here for more information and please consider donating to help Robin's Nest provide the best home for the children living there.  Help Robin's Nest Drill a Well



I'd also like to give a special "Thank you" to everyone who supported me through my time at Robin's Nest.  Please keep the children, staff, and volunteers in your prayers as the work continues the long process of finding forever family for these children.  Because everyone needs family.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Saying, "Thank You"

Giving back to your parents is always a hard thing.  If you think about everything they have given to you over your life its pretty much impossible to truly show your appreciation.  Think about it, long nights of no sleep, early mornings trying to get you up for school, all the broken lamps, the important things you lost of theirs, the numerous Christmas’s they stayed up all hours of the night wrapping gifts from Santa, the gray hair they blame you for, the thousands of dollars spent on your education, then more money for your wedding, girls.  The list goes on!  My parents have given me so much and I know I wouldn't be where I am today without their sacrificial way of living.

Along life's road, their are moments when we can step up to the plate for them and try to say "thank you" in a little way.  Now is one of those times for me.  My dad is one of the finalists to win my momma a $5,000 ring! The winner will be decided by the story with the most Facebook "likes".  Please click on the link below to read my dad's story.  There is no one who deserves this more.  My parents are some of the most selfless people out there.  They gave up so much for us kids through the years, and still do to this day. Help me say thank you!

Click here---->  Post by Jeff and MJ.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Elastic Headbands and Hair Ties

These headbands have become a huge trend over the past few years.  The best part, they are super simple to make! 

First I purchased the fold over elastic 5/8” from http://www.sunshineshoppesupply.com/
I hit up their clearance colors to save money!

Y'all for real these couldn’t be any simpler.  The hardest part of this craft will be getting the measurements right!  If it’s for yourself, just wrap it around your head  and leave a little etra to tie your knot. 

 Here are some basic measurement that match up the majority of the time!

Headband sizes: 

Standard adult size is 18 inches
 If you want to make pony tail holders, a good size is 9 inches.

5/8” Fold over elastic
Tape measure

Once you have your materials, measure the appropriate amount of elastic.  Here I am doing a 20 inch adult headband.  There is a Matte side and a shiny side of the elastic.  Choose which side you want to show when wearing it.  I am choosing the shiny side. 

Once cut, put the two ends of the elastic together, with both shiny sides showing.

I thien tie a knot.  The pictures help show how I tied my knot. 

Pull tight and we are done! Headband made!  To make pony tail holders do the exact same thing with the measurement of 9 inches instead of 20 inches. 

If want to purchase a headband, you can head over to my Etsy shop by clicking this link: Elastic Headbands!  Here are the other colors I have right now

Thanks for reading!  Make your own at home and share pictures!

Thursday, January 1, 2015


Hey y'all! Welcome to the launch of my blog! My name is Lindsay and I am a newlywed wife of a traveling musician! My husband and I got married this past August and currently calling Lake Placid, FL home! With my husband’s band playing over 200 shows a year, I will be on the road while writing many of my blog posts! This blog will be filled with my favorite DIY crafts, recipes, money saving ideas, what’s happening with the band and so much more! Subscribe and join me on this journey as I search for everything "Nifty And Thrifty Across The 50"!  

Button Hemp Bracelets

Hemp String (available online or at Hobby Lobby)
A Button of your choice
Measuring Tape

Step 1: Gather all supplies. 

Step 2: Measure and cut two pieces of hemp, each 20 inches long. Then measure and cut one 30 inch piece.

Step 3:  Insert one end of string into hole on the button.

Step 4:  Then pull through and insert the other side into the hole beside it.

Step 5: Bring the two free ends through the loop like so.

Step 6: Pull tight

Step 7:  Tape the botton onto a hard surface so you can begin.

Step 8: Tape the free ends of the string too so they aren’t going crazy while making the bracelet.

Step 9: Lay the 20 inch piece of string across the top, like so.

Step 10: Bring the left side of the string back under the string that is taped down

Step 11: Then bring the string over the right string.

Step 12:  Bring the right string over the middle string and under the top part of the left string... (look at picture)

and pull.

Step 13: Repeat from step 10 until you get desired length for one side.

Step 14: Then repeat from step 3 the same pattern on the other side until desired length is reached.
(See below)

To make the adjustable sliding knot take a short piece of hemp (about 5 inches).  Create the exact same knots you were using creating the bracelet. Once you believe you adjustable end is wide enough knot the ends so they string doesn't go through and ravel.  Also tie knots at the end of the open strings so when adjusting the size it doesn't come undone. 

This can be kinda tricky your first try!  If you have questions about how they are made, let me know!  To buy your very own hemp button bracelet Click Here!

10 Resolutions for Your Marriage

It’s only been 5 months of marriage for Zack and I and people say we are still in the "honeymoon phase" but I don’t think its ever too early to work on loving each other better! I mean, you can never love and appreciate each other too much.  With that being said, I am setting a list of goals (resolutions) for my marriage this year!  These are not in any kind of order, just as they come to mind!

1- Pray Together EVERYDAY!  Often times we can get in such a hurry in our travel or in daily tasks that we take for granted the time we have together.  So starting today, PRAY together!  If you want to take it a step further, start a devotion book together!  My husband and I started “The Love Dare” by Stephen and Alex Kendrick, a couple months ago but never finished.  We are going to get back into reading that this year! If you don’t know what devotion to start with, “The Love Dare” is a great one.

2- Don’t take phones to bed.  This is something my husband and I talked about before we got married.  We said we weren’t going to bring our phones to bed because we knew we would spend more time on our phones instead of spending time with each other.  It’s so easy for us to get so wrapped up in the world of social media today, but spending the beginning and end of everyday dialed into your spouse is a lot more important that the happenings on Instagram. 

3-Pray for each other daily.  Throughout the day when your spouse comes to mind, pray for them silently.  Pray for your marriage, your future, your family.  Remember God’s will is where your marriage needs to be and that can only happen when He is a the center of it. 

4- Find Godly spiritual leaders for your marriage.  For a healthy Christian marriage it is important to have an older Christian couple pour into you.  Learn things from their time of marriage that might save you heartbreak and tears in yours.  Not only should you just talk about marriage with these folks, but live life with them.  Watch how they interact and love each other.  It's good for couples to take wisdom from longer relationships.

5- Make loving each other your priority.  Over everything else, LOVE.  Love each other in the little ways.  Make breakfast, do the laundry, pick up his favorite snack at the store.  Do the little things that he doesn't expect to put a smile on his face.  

6- Keep the complaining to a minimum!  You’re married to the man/women of your dreams!  Enjoy it! Don’t stress the little thing.  Stay positive.  These things will make you a more pleasant person to be around and will help your attitude greatly.

7- Quit comparing! Comparing only hurts your relationships.  Nothing positive comes from comparing to other relationships, appearances, fianancies, health, etc. Live YOUR life to the fullest!

8-  Be more affectionate!  Your married, be excited about it! Enjoy every minute of it! Kiss him when he least expects it! Hold his hand whenever you get the chance.  

9- Get into trouble! Okay, not with the law, but be spontaneous!  Do crazy things that are out of the norm.  Have fun! Celebrate your marriage.  Act like you did when you were dating!

10- Talk with each other! Not just about the "to-do list" that is building or your schedule that is packed, but about life that is happening in the midst of the busyness.  Take time to spend with each other away from the chaos. Take a deep breathe and figure out life's problems together.  Listen to what each other has to say.  Don't try to solve each others problems right away.  Listen.  Don't just talk "at" each other, but with.  Listen to what each other says and understand with them where they are.   So slow down.  Listen. Communicate. Love.

Slow down this year to learn how to really love your spouse the best you can.  

Get Healthy in 2015

Since Thanksgiving, our semi-healthy eating habits have gone out the door.  Marriage has brought unwelcome weight to both Zack and myself.  Now that we are in Florida for the next three months, our bathing suits are announcing our packed on pounds to the rest of the world.  Not good.  So we've decided to set goals to attain better health with a sub-goal each month!  

 These will be simeple ways to tone up and cut wasted calories from our everyday diet.  

-No soda or sugary drinks for 3 months! No more drinking our calories and sugars. Check your labels to see how much sugar is in your flavored drinks.
-No eating after 9pm.  This helps regulate mealtimes and most often when we give in to that late night snack it’s for things such as ice cream, cookies, potato chips, etc.
-Drink a glass of water before each meal, and your needed amount each day. The amount of water a person should drink each day depends on their weight.  To calculate how much to drink multiply your weight by .67 and that is the number of ounces you need to drink a day. "weight x .67 =  (ounces to drink)"  Divide that by 8 to get the number of cups you should drink. For example 200 x .67 = 134 ounces.  134/8 = 16.75.  A 200 pound person needs 134 oz of water a day, which equals about 17 cups.

-Eat full breakfast every day.  Breakfast is what gets your metabolism going and starting off the day healthy will set you up for a great day!

-Each day, do 20 push-ups, 50 sit-ups, and atleast 25 minutes of exercise 3 days a week. (increase as you get stronger.)  

Then apply these each month.  Some months just take away unhealthy foods while other months add more healthy foods to your diet!

Meet Zack Shelton and 64 to Grayson

As I mentioned, my husband travels full time performing with his band, “Zack Shelton and 64 to Grayson”.  Since most of my time is spent with the band, I’m sure they will make many appearances in my blog so I wanted to formally introduce you to the group!  When we head out for a show we are packed 6 or 7 deep in an SUV with a trailer hitched to the back of us.  As the group grows we lose more and more personal space.  The group formed back in 2011 and they have been on an up-hill adventure ever since.  The group originally met and started in Grayson, KY at the small Christian college where Zack and I met.  Releasing their first full-length, self-titled album in 2012, 64 to Grayson began touring throughout the midwest region of the United States.  They released their sophomore album, "The Next Chapter" in February of 2014.  Recent radio singles include the patriotic ballad, "Line of Fire" and the Southern Punching hit, "Her Mama".  This is just a little glimpse at the group, stay tuned for more of our life on the road!

Check them out on iTunes, Spotify, Amazon, or on their website www.64ToGrayson.com.

Apple Snicker's Dessert

The New Year is here and we are all feeling the repercussions of Momma’s Christmas Cooking... But before you get too deep into your pound-dropping resolutions, here is a dessert dish that will hold off the guilt with an illusion of healthy eating. ;)    It’s the Apple Snickers Dessert!

To make Apple Snickers Dessert, you will need the following ingredients:

6 snicker bars (regular size)
4 Apples
1 package of Vanilla pudding mix (dry)
1/2 cup of Milk
16 oz of cool whip
Carmel sauce or melted caramel cubes (about ½ cup)

Step 1: Cut up apples in small pieces

Step 2: Place Apples in a large bowl

Step 3: Cut Snickers into small pieces

Step 4: Put snickers in the same bowl as the Apples

Step 5: In a separate bowl, combine the vanilla pudding mix, cool whip, and milk.

Step 6: Mix the vanilla pudding mixture into the apples and snickers. Then top with caramel sauce!

(Warning: If you are melting cube Caramel, use a microwave-safe glass bowl to microwave until melted.  Unless you need to test your smoke detectors...)

It will be a hit to all your guest.  Leave comments about how yours turns out! Happy New Years!