Saturday, June 6, 2015

Kentucky Burlap Frame

Hey yall! I know it's been a while but I've been on a crafty kick, so there will be more blogs following this one in the next weeks to come! With the surplus of burlap we had from the wedding I decided instead of letting it collect dust I’d put it to some good use! 

The first time I made this, I found a empty frame I had sitting around, but you can but any kind of frame you want and do any size.  I like the look and size of this 14 x 11 frame, but you can do different sizes, just eye ball measurements for different size frames.

Take the cardboard or paper that came in the frame you are going to use place it on your burlap and simply cut around it.  For this the size doesn’t have to be perfect because its going in a frame. But remember ALWAYS OVERESTIMATE how much burlap you'll need! You can always cut off extra, but you can’t add to it.  If you don’t have enough to fill your frame you have to cut a new piece.

Next, find a outline of the state of Kentucky (or the state of your choice) on the internet.  If you are using a large frame like mine, you will want to print it landscape and depending on what outline of the state you find you may need to adjust the printing size until it looks right.  It took me a few moments of trial and error to find the right size, but go with what looks good to you!

Once you find the right size, Cut it out.

Place tape on the back and place it in the center of your burlap piece you’ve cut out. 

Get a black sharpie and trace around the state onto your burlap.  Be sure to put something under the burlap so it doesn’t leak through onto your table.

Once you are done get your mod podge. Because I didn’t want to go spend money on mod podge I used a recipe I saw on Pinterest to make some and it worked really well.

Simply mix 1 cup of flour + 1 ½ cup of water + 1/3 cup of sugar + 1 tsp vinegar on medium heat.  Stir continually so the flour doesn't clump together.

Once the mod podge is mixed, apply it with the brush. One good even coat is fine.

Then I let it sit in the sun to dry.

Once completely dry, place in frame and Viola!

If you don't have the time or supplies to make one, here is a link to my Etsy page when you can purchase one!   KY Burlap Frame- Etsy